Banner Exchanges

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Banner exchanges were all the rage in the late 90s when webmasters joined them to promote their websites. LinkExchange was one of the most popular banner exchange companies. It was purchased by Microsoft and is now a small business resource. Banner exchanges still exist today they just aren't as popular as they used to be. They have been replaced by newer concepts like blogrolls, webrings and direct ad swaps. While there are still some generic banner exchanges many of them still alive today are category specific. LinkBuddies is one of the banner exchanges that has survived since 1997. Here is a list of a few active banner ad exchanges.


Exchange Ad

Hyperbanner Network

LinkBuddies -- one of the largest and oldest free banner exchanges on the Internet. Established in 1997.

NEObanners -- uses 120 x 600 skyscraper ads.


Other Banner Resources Banner Exchange List Special Interest Banner Exchanges

Yahoo Banner Exhange List

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