Fooky Search Engine Has Built in Conversant AI

Posted on January 11, 2006

Fooky Fooky is a new search engine that in addition to accepting regular text-based keywords or phrases also accepts commands and has a built-in AI so Fooky can converse with web searches. Here are some of the commands Fooky accepts:
  • search for [keywords seperated by commands]
  • get headlines for [topic name]
  • shop for [product/service name]
  • get weather for [USA zip code]
  • get stock quote for [stock symbol]
  • get showtimes for [USA ZIP code]
  • get traffic for [name of US metropolitan city. example: "Chicago" "Miami"]
  • get sport scores for [ "mlb" or "nfl" or "nba" or "college football" ]
  • And here is more about Fooky's AI bot: has Artificial Intelligence built in to enjoy a conversation with you. Typing in "hello" in the textbox, will return your greeting. If you ask the right question, for example "How are you today?" will engage in conversation. Registered users will have some personalized features such as remembering the registered user name and the topic being discussed.
    The AI is an interesting twist on the search engine but as search engines continue to improve AI bots are a likely path for them to take. TechCrunch has an entry about Fooky from last September.

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