Create Web Commands With YubNub

Posted on June 27, 2005 is an interesting new web surfing tool that bills itself as a social command line for the Internet. YubNub allows users to enter simple commands that can be used to do things like search Google, make calculations and bring up dictionary results. For example, you can perform a quick Google search on by typing g followed by the keyword you want to search. You can also make your own commands with YubNub. We made a quick command called surf to search this blog on Technorati. For example, if you type "surf search" on it will bring up all the Technorati results for the keyword "search" that appear on can also be added to your browser so you don't always have to go to to perform the command. There is also a YubNub Google Group and blog for those who want to keep up-to-date on the new service.

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