Google May Have to Relocate Mystery Barge in San Francisco Bay

Posted on February 4, 2014

Google may have to relocate its mystery barge in the San Francisco Bay. The barge is currently docked at a pier on Treasure Island. Google told CNN last November that the four-story structure sitting on the barge is an "interactive space where people can learn about new technology." The space is still under construction and has not yet opened to the public.

CNN also reports that Google may lack the necessary permits to keep the barge where it is. CNN says the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC) notified The Treasure Island Development Authority (TIDA) about the lack of proper permits and TIDA will have to relocate the Google barge.

Erin Burnett reports for CNN that Google is reviewing the letter they received about the permit issue. She pokes fun at Google for not searching on Google for information about the proper permits in the first place. We hope Google finishes the mysterious structure soon so we can see what it is all about. Take a look:

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