Molecule Clusters Could Help Gadgets Shrink

Posted on June 6, 2005

A new technology could shrink popular tech gadgets like iPods, cell phones and digital cameras even more. TechNewsWorld reports that researchers at Glasgow university have come up with a technology called molecule clusters that is molecule cluster is 10,000 times thinner than a human hair. The molecule clusters can store huge amounts of data in a very tiny area.

The Sunday Herald quotes lead researcher Dr. Lee Cronin as saying, "Data storage hits the wall at a certain point companies are spending billions cramming more memory into smaller space, but it can't go on forever with current technology. What we have come up with is a molecule with the potential to pack in 10,000 more 'storage units' into a given area than is currently possible."

One downside reported by TechNewsWorld is that critics have pointed out that unless the battery size can also shrink you could end up with tiny gadgets that need batteries much bigger than the gadget itself. It would be interesting problem where the batteries are holding back the promise of super small gadgets. It is a problem that will likely be solved eventually.

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