Those Silly Web 2.0 Names

Posted on September 1, 2006

Remember the good old days when tech companies had tech sounding names like Apple, Compaq, IBM and Microsoft? USA Today's Kevin Maney is poking fun on the silly Web 2.0 names. He mentions this excerpt from a GigaOM post as an example of how strange Web 2.0 names have become.

A couple days ago we pointed to Mooglets widgets, the creation of Rome-based It was a neat product made on the cheap, so we joked, "somebody give these guys some millions!" Today we are shocked to learn that Mad4Milk has been acquired by Freewebs.
If that isn't proof enough of the Web 2.0 insanity Kevin Maney goes on to list some zany Web 2.0 companies. He says, "They have names such as Kiko, Tribe, Imeem, StumbleUpon, Meebo, Eyespot and Twitter. Sounds like the cast of Pee Wee's Playhouse: The Next Generation."

If only that were true we would launch HermitsSpace or MyHermit tomorrow. Or, naybe Hermitbo or Hermitmeem would be better Web 2.0 names? Hermooglets?

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