Yahoo Testing Real-time Search With One Riot

Posted on November 14, 2009

All the main search engine are launches real-time search these days to compete with Twitter. TechCrunch reports that Yahoo has chosen OneRiot as its real-time search partner. Yahoo says they will use it for some search results and are currently testing it.

Real-time search means different things to different people. For Yahoo!, we think of real-time search in terms of providing the most relevant, fresh information to people every time.

Yahoo! Search is currently testing a new search shortcut that will include real-time results at the top of the search results page. The shortcut will only appear on certain queries that will be determined by Yahoo. This is a test designed to discover if showing such content is useful to people using Yahoo! Search. Yahoo! is focused on creating the most innovative, easy-to-use and valuable search experience for people, and after this test we will carefully evaluate whether we should integrate such results for everyone using Yahoo! Search

OneRiot is a useful tool for searching Twitter. It helps you pull out the most relevant content without getting all the spam and retweets. Search engines need to add filters if they want to improve real-time search over what Twitter's own search engine provides.

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